Friday, April 3, 2020

AllAbout Chemistry Workbooks - Chemistry Unit 7 Worksheet 4

AllAbout Chemistry Workbooks - Chemistry Unit 7 Worksheet 4In a Chemistry unit you will find several worksheets. This is a way of testing how well your student is at taking notes and what they are able to recall.A worksheet is an item that you have to record information into in a class. If your student is good at taking notes then they might well be able to make a workbook out of the form. Otherwise you will need to have a worksheet to fill out so you can keep track of it.In a Chemistry unit you will find a worksheet for each lesson or class. These worksheets will contain the information that you will need to see when you review the lesson again.A chemistry unit will usually start with a question that your student must answer correctly. The question will either be a problem or a question and answer type of form.When you do a worksheet for a lecture you will generally be given several questions and a solution to a problem. If you want to make sure that your student is good at taking n otes and remembering things you will need to make sure that they come up with a working solution for all of the questions.When you have a student who is struggling with the notes or note taking, then you may find that the problem is that they just cannot think of an answer. Sometimes they get stuck for a while and give up, but if you are constantly reminding them they will know that it is okay to take a break and come back.The best advice that you can give to any student struggling with this day homework work is to make sure that they know what to do. Don't just assume that it is okay for them to stop trying.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Latin Basics 101

Latin Basics 101 What to Expect When Learning Latin ChaptersBeginner's Latin  Is There a Typical Profile of a Latin Student?Motivation, Essential for ProgressBe More Comfortable in Other SubjectsGet Help From OthersIs There a Secret Recipe for Mastering Latin? At school, you’re more likely to have learned languages that are still alive today like French, German and Spanish. But although a dead language, learning Latin isn’t any different.First, you start with learning vocabulary (get yourself an English-Latin dictionary!), before you move on to learning sentence structures and stock phrases.Making the choice to learn Latin is not an easy one, it takes hard work and dedication. You should know what’s ahead before you begin.And that’s where we come in! We’ll give you a run-down of what to expect when learning Latin and what you need to be an A* student.As with any subject, you should start at the beginning, learning about the history of Latin and its influence across the world. On the programme:From legend to historyThe origin s of Rome and its heroic figuresThe foundation of a cityFrom Troy to LazioThe city of Romethe first kings of RomeThe Republic: history and institutionsThe birth of the republic, the famous first centuries of the Republic • Assemblies, deliberations, and votes in the ancient world • The great political figures of the RepublicPrivate and public life• Daily life • Masters and slaves in ancient times • Education and training in ancient times • Roman religion, divinities, rites, and feasts; Greek figures and Roman figures of deities • Theatre, games and public recreationThe Ancient Mediterranean worldCarthage and the Punic WarsAlliances and conflicts between cities in the ancient worldPowers on land and sea in the ancient worldEven learning for 2 hours per week you’ll get a great understanding of the history of Latin before attacking more difficult notions such as the possessive, nominative, interrogative or Latin lexicon.Discover websites and other tools to help you lear n Latin!Learn about the history of Latin and its influence on other languages (Source: There a Typical Profile of a Latin Student?Once thought of as an elitist language reserved only for the rich and private schools, Latin is becoming more accessible. Nowadays, instead of having to attend exclusive schools to get access to the language, you’ll find plenty of different places to learn Latin wherever you are.  And if you’re learning another language like French or Spanish, Latin can be a great support as it has massive influences on many of the languages we speak today.Find out where you can learn Latin in London...Latin, for everyoneLike we said, Latin is opening up, not bad for a dead language. Latin is accessible to anyone at any level, as long as you put the work in…You should start upping your Latin learning hours from 2 hours a week to  4. Whether those hours are all in a classroom or with extra work at home is up to you.Set out with this extra work in m ind. It’s good practice to prepare yourself for the work ahead so you can keep your motivation and determination. DéborahLatin Teacher 5.00 (12) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Dr. KarisLatin Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JennyLatin Teacher 5.00 (1) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SimonaLatin Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ArgiroLatin Teacher 5.00 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LucieLatin Teacher 5.00 (5) £75/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DanielaLatin Teacher 5.00 (9) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SophieLatin Teacher 5.00 (6) £45/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsMotivation, Essential for ProgressIn all disciplines (intellectual or physical) there is one key ingredient for progression, and it's essential for Latin too: motivation.Motivation will make sure you want to read Latin texts pick up new vocabulary, to learn all the con jugations and to learn different phrases in Latin.Always keep your goals in mind. Why did you get started in Latin? Don’t lose sight that it was your choice to learn the language.This reflection is difficult to find of course when you are struggling to progress but try to keep focused.You’ve got this far so don’t give up now!Be More Comfortable in Other SubjectsWe've said it before and we'll say it again, Latin is not reserved for the elite. It is accessible to everyone as long as they are willing to learn. But beware, it's not easy, it takes time and investment.Once you've got a strong base in Latin it can help in other subjects especially languages like French, Italian, and Spanish.You may even want to sit Latin GCSEs!Study with others to support your progression in LatinGet Help From OthersWhen learning Latin you need help. Surround yourself with people who will encourage you when you’re finding it hard.Family, Friends, and ClassmatesWhen learning Latin, you’ll need som e advice. Ask your friends and family for their advice on getting motivated, on different ways of learning. Make sure they’re involved in your learning so they can hold you accountable. We’ll all more likely to work harder if we know someone is keeping watch! The people around you want you to succeed and so will encourage you to get studying! Going it alone is a difficult road so rely on friends and family for help.The same goes for your classmates, keep each other on track by asking how their studying is going or doing extra study together. Try to find the best conditions to study, maybe studying at home isn’t for you, maybe you need to go to a library to work or you need to do a group study with your classmates. Working conditions are an important factor in your learning.Make time in your schedule to dedicate to studying. Finding the time can be difficult but try to arrange study sessions with your classmates so you know someone is counting on you to show up! Taking these st eps will make sure you stay motivated and progress quickly in Latin.The role of your Latin teacherOf course, your Latin teacher also plays a strong role in your progression.    They’re there to make sure the workload is manageable, that you’re studying effectively and that they help you with difficult grammar points that may take you time to understand.With one hour of beginner’s lessons a week you can easily find the time for extra studying at home. So, outside of your Latin lessons, you can work on the points that you find difficult so when you go to class the next week you can move on to the next topic without wasting time.Your teacher can’t put in the work for you. They are there just to teach you the topic or grammar point, it’s up to you to revise it in your own time.Your teacher will give you the confidence to tackle difficult points by yourself, and will give you the support in class when you need help.Is There a Secret Recipe for Mastering Latin?Unfortunately, lik e most things in life, there is no quick fix or secret recipe for mastering Latin. There’s just one secret ingredient that counts and that’s work. All you have to do is put the work in and you’ll succeed!Anticipate the work that lies ahead and give it your all.Count on your classmates for help and ask your teacher questions when you need to. Once you’re in the swing of things you’ll see Latin as a pleasure, not a chore.Check out Superprof to find a Latin teacher near you.Now discover how to get started learning Latin...

Friday, March 6, 2020

The Top 10 Colleges for an accounting degree - USA

The Top 10 Colleges for an accounting degree - USA The top 10 colleges for an accounting degree Accounting is a huge field, and more than approximately 1.4 million accountants as well as auditors are employed currently in U.S. Company while few accountants manage the books for private, semi-private and governmental organizations. Some others help the clients on a personal basis, mainly during January-April tax-filing period. Here you will get list of top 10 colleges for accounting. Students are expected to complete their bachelor’s degree in accounting, or else a degree in finance or business with major in accounting. They should also meet the CPA requirements of their state that would help them enter the accountant job position in the best companies directly. With free homework help chat, the students can decide to select the best accountant colleges in the US to acquire further studies! These are the  top 10 colleges for an accounting in 2017 Liberty University  Situated in Lynchburg, Virginia, the well-known Liberty University offers online accounting degree for 4 years, full-time or part-time. Application deadline is rolling. They must require a minimum GPA of 2.0, present transcripts and finish application forms that will be further considered. Bachelors’ of science degree with 120-credit (15-credit/semester) in accounting will help the students for building careers in public, private or non-profit sectors. They can even pursue Masters Degree in business administration after wrapping graduation. Indiana Wesleyan University  Applicants can complete their bachelor’s of science in accounting via online or at this University’s Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky campuses. Program pre-requisites cover completing IWU courses ACC 201 and ACC 202 successfully or transfer in the corresponding with ‘C’ grade or higher. Program length is 18-20 months, and credit requirement is 120-credit hours, with rolling application deadline. IWU affords online starting dates, every few weeks, all through the year. Even the distance learns can anytime start their studies with the schedule that fits them right. Thomas Edison State University  Situated in Trenton, New Jersey, this University offers bachelor’s of science in business administration, major in accounting to the adult students who aim to be professionals in an accounting career. Known to be one of the excellent online accounting degrees in the United States, TESU makes the students ready for MBA and CPA certification. The format style is online with 120 credit requirements. Program start date and the application deadline is rolling. Old Dominion University  Old Dominion University presents its students’ bachelors of science in business administration- accounting with 120-credit requirements, in synchronous and asynchronous formats. These formats afford a good flexibility to distance learners. It is an online format and program start dates cover fall, spring, and summer. Application deadline for transfer students is 1st August for fall, 1st October for spring, and 15th March for summer. Students studying this program can pursue a higher career in financial planning, international accounting, auditing, certified public accounting, etc. Western Governors University Headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, this university provides online accounting degree ‘bachelors of science in accounting’ with asynchronous instruction style. This program sets the students to practice entry-level career, master’s degree in accounting, and CPA examinations. It is a full-time program with 121 competency units (12 CUs/term) that are WGU’s credit versions. The starting date of this program is the beginning of each month and rolling application deadline. Program length is 2-5 years. University of Massachusetts-Amherst  Umass Amherst is considered as a superb online college for accounting. The students need to complete a bachelor of business administration in accounting that has 120-credit requirements. Program starting date is fall or spring. These students with algebra homework help are prepared for various accounting practices and can have a career as an accountant, treasurer, controller, auditor, and much more. Application deadline is 15th April and 1st October for spring. University of Memphis  Students can do their bachelors in accounting online or at Memphis campus. They should earn 120 credits and continue a minimum C grade all through this program so as to graduate and the program involves 41 credits of general education, 42 credits in business classes, 30 credits in accounting major, and also 7 credits of electives.   Courses added here cover organizational management, marketing, fundamentals of accounting and marketing. Before going for this program, the students have gained a minimum of 45-credit hours and also finished prerequisite courses with C grade or B or A grade. The program offers full time and part time. Keiser University-Ft Lauderdale  Headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Keiser University provided bachelors of arts in accounting for its students on campus and online too. This program focuses on accounting practices, industry standard software, and business skills, and trains the students for a great career in accounting. Prerequisites for this program include macro economics, microeconomics, and statistics. Credit requirements are 120 and program starting date is monthly. With part-time and full-time program options, the curriculum guides the students how to expand the research work and communication skills are essential to publish in the accounting industry also how they can further blend business principles to real accounting circumstances. Regis University  One of the best institutions in the United States, Regis University offers the applicants bachelors’ of science in accounting. With Algebra homework help, the students can execute full-time or part-time course that needs 120 to 128 credits (covering 45 credits of core needs, 33 credits of foundational courses, 26 credits of elective classes, and 24 credits of major courses). This program too highlights on modern technology and practices which specialized accountants utilize daily. Program starting dates include fall, spring, and summer semester. Touro University Worldwide  This University provides online program ‘bachelors of science in business administration’ designed online to complete 120-credit including 45 credits of education classes, 39 credits of vital business needs, 24 credits of electives, and 12 attentive credits. Program length is 3 to 7 years with part-time and full-time options. The students can select to do specialization with any one focus- accounting, human resources, entrepreneurship, project management, marketing, or security EDM. The program length extends to 3 to 7 years. Students picking full-time finish this program in four years, whereas part-time students complete it in seven years. Well, now you can select one of the best accountant colleges in the United States of your choice and become the expert accountant! These are the lists of top 10 colleges for accounting. Hope! This will help you. Save Save Save

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Photography Courses Film VS Digital

Photography Courses Film VS Digital Should You Learn Film Photography or Digital Photography? ChaptersThe Pros and Cons of Digital PhotographyThe Pros and Cons of Film PhotographyA Study in Close UpIt is human nature to follow the latest trends. That is why we brandish our smartphones, every chance we get.For instance: taking pictures of the food we ordered in a restaurant to post on social media â€" itself another popular trend.Of course, there are always those who buck the tide: opting for a flip phone with minimal digital capability. Oddly enough, in some cases, that creates enough of a stir to merit headlines.Kate Beckinsale is just one example of people reverting to phones being for phone calls; not used as hand-held computers!What does all of this have to do with cameras and photography?Well, that's just it: on the one hand, you have people who crave the latest gadget, laying out cash for something that, perhaps, they won't derive the full benefit from.And then, you have the  people who prefer what is considered by the mainstream to be passé: objects or activities that seem to have no place in these modern times. Maybe some activities are best left in the past: we dread to think what would happen to children playing hoop and stick in today's crowded streets!The debate rages in the realm of photography:  film vs digital? What about analog photography? do film SLR cameras have any place in this increasingly digital world, where Photoshop edits images more efficiently than any darkroom retouching ever could?Let Superprof now chime in on the merits and drawbacks of each of these forms of artistic expression.Advances in digital photography permit crystal clear shots Source: Pixabay Credit: Piro4Dshooting in black and white.Compared to film shots, digital black and whites seem strangely lacking in depth!4. Finally: there is a lower start-up cost with film photography, but one must inevitably factor in the cost of replenishing film stocks and developing images.Film SLR ConsThe most obvious disadvantage to shooting with film is that you must wait for dev elopment to see if there is a money shot among anything you've snapped.Second to that comes the continuous cost of film and developing... and the question of whether you would trust your work to a lab!Lab developing means that you have absolutely no control over how your film gets developed, and you would have no opportunity to retouch any photos.A sign of the times: many companies have discontinued production of several types of film, meaning that there is less of a selection available.That creates a constant challenge for film photographers who have for years been loyal to a certain brand, or whose particular style of photographic art demands a specific type of film.Film SLRs tend to be bulkier than their digital counterparts, and one must account for proper storage of film â€" out of the heat and away from damp.If you are a photojournalist or travel photographer, every bit of extra weight matters, especially when trekking across vast distances  while on assignment!It sounds like we're making the case for digital over film, doesn't it? Read on before deciding!Learn about the history of photography.Look for photography courses  in all the major UK cities on Superprof:Photography courses LondonPhotography courses GlasgowPhotography courses ManchesterPhotography courses BirminghamPhotography classes LeedsOnce considered cutting edge, cameras such as these are now called vintage Source: Pixabay Credit: Richard LeyA Study in Close Up1. Anyone earning their living as a photographer â€" be it specialising in portraiture or photojournalism, will tell you that it is exponentially easier to store memory cards than rolls of film.2. It is obviously easier to upload digital images, and image editing is a snap with editing software â€" provided you learn how to use it.There are tricks and a certain level of creativity to using Adobe Lightroom that quite nearly demand an instructor to learn them from.3. On the other hand, digital images lack the nuance that, to this day, e ntrances fans of film photography.Digital images have an in your face quality: they dare you to challenge their veracity, after having worked so hard to compensate for flaws inherent in the natural world.We love those flaws! We need them to reflect our less than perfect selves â€" which has been a bone of contention  of software photo editing since its inception.Too gorgeous, too skinny models dramatically draped, flawless complexions and fabulous hair...By no means are we saying that fashion models shot with film were never enhanced in post processing; only that the practice exploded and has actually caused harm with the advent of digital image editing.4. Whereas a professional photographer who works with digital equipment can press the shutter button as often as s/he'd like â€" memory cards can store countless images, photographing with film requires extra mentation.A roll of film has, at maximum, 36 exposures, meaning that framing a shot, posing a subject and metering light all r equire deeper consideration.Unless wasting film is a favourite pastime, the SLR camera photographer will carefully consider every element of the shoot before taking a single picture.This aspect of film photography is the crux of the argument for capturing images on film.5. Knowing how to photograph using this medium takes every bit of artistic instinct and photography skills you possess.Rules of composition, lighting techniques â€" even out of doors!; how to shoot in any conditions: these are all vital skills for any photographer, but weigh especially heavy on the shoulders of the film photographer.6. These days, everyone is armed with a camera of some sort, from a Smartphone to a tiny, monopod-mounted Go Pro action camera.That is why some photographers are returning to film: in this digital world, taking quality pictures on film is a silent, screaming testament of technical skills married to fine art.This is a real photo that I shot on film myself â€" Edgar England, West End Camera sOther reasons for film over digital photography include:grain: film images look less polished â€" more gritty and real than digitally captured imagesformat: film delivers a higher dynamic range; similarly capable digital cameras are substantially more expensivecontrol: photographers like being involved with every little step in the creative process of image capture, from analysing subjects to determining ISO â€" what speed it should be captured atIt is a bit like transitioning from manual to automatic gears in a car; with the former, you have a measure of participation in driving: you are one with your machine.The magic of seeing the image you've captured called forth in its chemical bathThat alchemy that, even now, when we know the science behind it seems magic, is what inspires passionate photographers to pursue perfection with every shot.Those who learn to shoot with film apply fundamental photographic techniques with every click of the shutter.They are more focused on their art , avoiding the constant back and forth between taking a shot and inspecting it for viability on the camera's LCD screen, deleting as necessary.Through film, their passion for purity in imaging serves to enhance their storytelling ability.Is film photography right for you? You won't know until you try it.Why not sign up for a photography course or workshop; get hands on with developing: discover for yourself the feeling of awe as your pictures emerge out of what was blank paper.Investigate the Film Photography Project; become a follower and help keep this art form vital and alive in this digital age.Who knows? After lugging around a set of digital cameras for so long, you too may find in yourself an avid film photographer just begging to fly!Discover 20 famous photography quotes.

Online Square Roots Tutors

Online Square Roots Tutors Square root is a function which is represented with the symbol , and a number or an expression can be placed inside the square root radical. Square root of a number or an expression indicates that the exponent on that number or the expression is 1/2. This implies that the square root radical represents the exponent of 1/2. The expression or number inside the square root radical should be greater than or equal to 0, and if its less than 0, then the solution is not real but it is called an imaginary solution. Example 1: What is the value of x if 625 = x? Here the given square root number should be simplified furtherby splitting the number into its prime factors, in order to get the value of x 625 = (5 * 5 * 5 * 5). Now pull out the number which is repeating twice inside the radical. This gives: 625 = 5 * 5 = 25. So, 625 = x and this implies 25 = x. Therefore the value of x in the given square root equation is 25. Example 2: What is the value of x if 729 = x? The given number should be split into its prime factors to get the value of x. 729 = (3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3). Now pull out the number which is repeating twice inside the radical. This gives: 729 = 3 * 3 * 3 = 27 So, 729= x and this implies 27 = x. Therefore the value of x in the given square root equation is 27.

How to Be a Better Singer... With One Overlooked Secret

How to Be a Better Singer... With One Overlooked Secret Sign up successful Symptoms may include: rocking your head to a favorite song as you sing along while driving down the road… an unbalanced addiction to karaoke parties… or a tendency to sing along with songs you don’t even know, just because you can. While theres a lot to learn  about keeping your voice healthy,  developing your ear, and improving your pitch, heres something you might not have thought about: your voice is actually all in your mind. Heres what I mean 1. Your Mind’s Eye Yep, you’ve got to see yourself singing. Imagine yourself singing five years from now. Can you see it? Good. Now imagine yourself singing 10 years from now. And 20 years. And maybe even 30 or 40 years from now. Can you see yourself with gray hair… singing like you did when you were young? When you can see yourself, in your mind’s eye, singing confidently in front of a group of listeners, you’re one-third of the way to actually doing it. And don’t just see yourself singing take it to the next level and see yourself in full control of a powerful and stylish voice. Are you starting to get a clear picture? OK, now see yourself smiling. There’s sheer joy in singing when you keep yourself in the moment. See the troubles of the world fall at your feet. See your audience swept away in the moment with you. And see yourself floating weightless through every note, phrase, and inflection. Practice this kind of visualization in your spare time and before every rehearsal or performance. Your voice will thank you. 2. Your Mind’s Ear Can you hear music when no music is playing? I’m not asking if you can recall your favorite song and the way it sounds. I mean actual notes and scales. Can you hear those? You should be able to, if you quiet your mind and listen. Set aside any distractions like your mobile device or your social accounts, and listen. Start by thinking of the first note in a scale. DO. Got it? Doesn’t matter if it’s a C or G or E. Just start with DO. Now move up the scale past RE, MI, FA, SO, LA, TI, and all the way to DO. Listen closely. Do you hear the sound of each note in your own voice? If you can’t, you might need to find somewhere even more quiet and secluded. And you might need to practice focused listening. Focused listening starts in your mind’s ear. When you can clearly hear notes in your head and in your voice,  and when you combine hearing yourself sing with seeing yourself sing, you’re two-thirds of the way to actually doing it. But you’ve got one more area to deal with as you learn how to be a better singer. 3. Your Mind’s Voice Most successful singers  (or successful people in anything, really) will tell you they’ve had to battle a nagging, negative voice inside their head. Have you ever heard that little voice in your mind,  the one that says “you can’t do it”? Have you ever started to sing and thought, “What am I doing?” or “Who do I think I am?” If so, you’re not alone. But here’s what will set you apart  and  what will get you over that hurdle don’t be afraid to mess up.  Tell that nagging voice in your mind who’s boss. Remember, you’re in control of your thoughts. And if you’ve been practicing your visualization and listening techniques, you should be able to think thoughts like “I’m gonna sing the notes off this scale!” “I can sing circles around this song!” “I love singing so much, no one and nothing is gonna stop me!” You can do it. Start right now. When you change the thoughts in your head, you’ll be well on your way to being a better singer! Post Author: Tony F. Tony F. teaches vocal training in Colorado Springs, CO, as well as through online lessons. With over 25 years of live performance experience, and has also written jingles for radio and websites. Learn more about Tony here! Photo by  WFIU Public Radio Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

MBA vs MiM The 11 differences that matter

MBA vs MiM The 11 differences that matter GMAT MBA Admissions Blog Foryears the MBA has built up its reputation as the go to degree for individuals wanting to make a move into the management field. What's more, it has fared exceptionally well by equipping various graduates with skills to move forward and enterprestigious positions in MNC's or create organizations of their own. However, with all the rewards that accompany an MBA, it’s a well-known fact that top schools are extremely choosy and applicants need to meet several prerequisites to meet selection standards. One such pre-imperative is the work experience required. With the average age of applicants around 27-28 years, one can't consider taking up this degree before he has 4-5 years of experience securely added to his profile. This race to gain significant work experience is especially troublesome for people who know they want to change to a management role however to get to there, struggle to collect those lucrative years of work experience, at times in deadlocked occupations. But times are changing. In the lastfew years, the situation is changing and a suitable alternative is rising. The Masters in Management, generally called MiM, is a degree which started in Europe and is at present making its presence felt as a feasible alternative to the MBA. Candidates for Masters in Management programs are generally 21-25 years of age and involve people who have recently graduated or have under 2 years of work experience, consequently making the endeavour of changing fields a great deal quicker. Masters in Management additionally incorporates Gap semesters, Exchange projects and International Internships to help its students increase their business proficiency and multi-cultural experience, and prepare them to confront the corporate jungle. The gap between the theory and practical learning is further bridged by the flexible educational modules which consist of several projects and case studies. In addition, with associations from McKinsey and Bain to EY and Google selecting from top Masters in Management schools, this degree is making a reputation for itself as a lucrative choice for graduates. MiM grads are often placed in sectors such as consulting, marketing and finance. Additionally, the Masters in Management tuition costs are usually half of what a traditional MBA costs, and with graduates accepting compensations in the range of 40,000 to 60,000 euros it is providinga lucrative Return on Investment. Thus, it is nothing unexpected that schools all over the world from NUS in Singapore to Kellogg in the USA are offering the Masters in Management in their degree portfolios. So is the MiM giving the MBA a run for its crown? Though it may look so, the MiM is not an immediate contender to the MBA, as both concentrate on a different target bunch, and have various other differences. The accompanying infographic will give you an understanding of the 11 factors which separate the MBA from the MiM, and permit you to figure out which side of the MBA versus MiM battle should you be on. Abhyank Srinet holds a Masters in Management degree from ESCP Europe has an engineering degree with a specialization in Instrumentation Control. His interest in the digital landscape motivated him to create an online start up for Masters in Management application consulting (, focused on spreading quality information about the MiM degree performing application consulting services for clients. He takes care of Business Development and Digital Marketing side of the company, and is very passionate about writing and Marketing.